Our Story by Ross

My wee brother was born the day before my 2nd birthday (Saturday 5th June 2004) weighing in at a very healthy 9lb 8oz with a head full of black hair. I did not get to see him that day because my Mummy and Daddy had to go to Paisley to get Cameron and it was too late at night to travel there. I stayed at my Auntie Fiona and Uncle Johns house with my big cousins Jonathon and Anna.

Cameron and Ross I always like staying with my big cousins, but this time was special because everyone was excited that I was getting a new wee baby and it was going to be my birthday! I missed my Mummy and Daddy a bit but Auntie Fiona gave me a hug and told me I would see them in the morning.

In the morning I woke up and it was my birthday! My Aunties Jane and Louise bought me new clothes and Auntie Fiona said they would be lovely to wear up to the hospital to see my new wee baby brother. We were all going to go up to the hospital later that day to meet him.

At the hospital I saw lots of people going to visit new wee babies. I knew some of them because they were going to visit my wee brother. My Nanny and Granda Tommy were there. My Granny Mary and Granda Charlie came up too and my Uncle Eric and Auntie Emma. It was great fun when some of them had my birthday presents with them!

My Mummy was in a big bed holding my new wee baby brother Cameron. She asked me if I wanted to come up and see him. He was really little and soft. I gave him a big kiss and told him I was happy to have a wee brother even though Anna wanted a wee girl cousin. My daddy told me Cameron had a surprise for me and he gave me a toy washing machine that Cameron bought for my birthday! I gave him another kiss and said thank you very much because the washing machine really worked - it was cool!

At the hospital was quite boring so I got my Granda Tommy to take me outside to play and that was more fun. When we came back in my Mummy said that she missed me. I told her I missed her too but she said I could go home with Daddy that night if I wanted. I decided to go stay with my Granda Tommy and Nanny for the night.

Mummy and Cameron were coming home the next day but the doctors wanted Cameron to have an ECG and chest x-ray because they had heard something called a heart murmur when they listened to Cameron’s chest. Mummy said it would be OK because lots of babies are born with murmurs but they go away when they get bigger. She said that I have a heart murmur when I am sick!

Next day Cameron had his tests and the doctors said he was fine to go home. They only found one wee bit of the ECG which was not quite right, but they said he had to get a check up in 6 weeks to make sure it was OK then. Mummy and Cameron came home, but not to our own house because we had a new kitchen and it was not quite finished yet. We went to stay at Granny Mary and Granda Charlie’s.