About Us

My name is Ross Lindsay and I am going to tell you a bit about our family.

Cameron and Ross I was born on Thursday 6th June 2002 at 6pm weighing 7lb 15oz. Mummy and Daddy had been at the hospital since 6.30am! Mummy told me she could see our house from the window of the hospital and couldn’t wait till she could take me there! We went home when I was 2 days old.

My Mummy and Daddy wanted another baby when I was 2, so they were really happy when they found out they were having another baby and it was to be born 3 days before my 2nd birthday!!

Mummy’s tummy got massive and she got lots of scans to check on the size of our baby. The baby didn’t come when it was supposed to so two days later Mummy went to the hospital so they could help the baby get out.

My wee brother, Cameron, was born at 6.45pm on Saturday 5th June 2004 weighing 9lb 8oz!! Because he needed a wee bit of help to get out, he went to a special baby room for a wee while, but Mummy got him back soon.

When he was 2 days old the special baby doctors checked to see if Mummy could take him home. They told Mummy he had a heart murmur and sent him for a chest x-ray and ECG. They said it was probably nothing to worry about so he could go home. He was to have a check up in 6 weeks.

A week later when Cameron was 9 days old, Joyce, our midwife, was checking him and called the doctor. She got very worried and called for an ambulance. Dr Dooley came in with some oxygen and asked what happened. We didn’t know!

Mummy and Daddy went in the ambulance with Cameron to the local hospital, then to Yorkhill. A couple of days later they went on a plane to Birmingham where Cameron had a heart operation. I went to visit him and he had lots of tubes and wires stuck to him. I didn’t get to go on the plane, I went in the car with Granny Mary and Granda Charlie.

When everyone came home we started to get used to being a family. Cameron got medicine in the morning and at night. For a wee while after his operation he needed a jag every day. Mummy had to learn how to do this, Daddy didn’t like it, he’s scared of needles and he had to hold Cameron for Mummy!